Melanie B

Tattoo Artist

How to Book an Appointment: Contact Form
Specialty: Illustrative, Color & Nerdy Tattoos

He sits, internally screaming
#psyduck #pokemon #pokémon #pokemonartwork #pokemontattoo #pokemontattoos #pokemonfanart #pokémonfanart #nerdtattoo #nerdtattoos #anime #nintendo #gamerink #gamertattoo #gamertattoos #gamerlife #weirdinksociety #colortattoo #coloredtattoo #colortattoos #colortattooartist #ladytattooers #videogameaddict #videogames #videogameartwork #videogaming #pokemoncards #pokemongo #floraltattoo #floraltattoos
The rare and special occasion “watercolor” tattoo. Kangaskhan as Rosie the Riveter. 
#watercolours #watercolortattoo #watercolortattoos #coloredtattoo #colortattoo #coloredtattoos #colortattoos #gamerink #gamerart #gamerlife #gamertattoo #gamertattoos #nerdart #anime #pokemon #pokemonart #pokémon #pokemonfanart ##nerdtattoo #nerdtattoos #nintendo #nintendoswitch #weirdinksociety #ladytattooer #ladytattooers #gamerink #rosietheriveter #tattooflash #tattooflashart #tattooflashsheet
BirdBox. The box is home for birb. Much crackers, yes nom. He stomp, he snack.
#colortattoo #coloredtattoo #coloredtattoos #colortattoos #colortattooartist #bird #birdlovers #birdtattoo #birdtattoos #kawaii #kawaiiaesthetic #kawaiiart #kawaiitattoo #kawaiistyle #tattooshop #tattoos #tattooideas #tattoo #tattoos #cuteanimals #cuteanimal #cuteanimalsofinstagram #petbirdsofinstagram #cheese #cheezit #mntattooartist #mntattoo #ladytattooer
This is important, so please read. 

#tattooshop #tattoos #tattoo #tattooideas #tattooartist #tattooist #ladytattooers #ladytattooer #mntattooer #mnartist #mntattooartist #mntattoo #weirdinksociety #coloredtattoo #colortattoos #stpaul #cutetattoos #cutetattoo #cursedimage #cursed he
Finally, I will be ordering stickers and business cards. Here’s a preview of one of three designs for the stickies. Yay.
#snow #snowman #icecream #cuteart #cuteartwork #stickers #stickerdesign ##cutefood #kawaiiaesthetic #kawaii #blueberry #blueberries #kawaiitattoo #kawaiitattoos #tattooshop #tattooart #tattoodesign #seasonalart #weirdinksociety #coloredtattoo #colortattoo #coloredtattoos #mntattooer #mnartist #mnart #mntattooers #stpaul #tattooflash #tattooflashart
Scroll for fruity perspective
#fruit #fruittattoo #orange #floral #floraltattoo #floraldesign #floralart #citrustree #citrus #colortattoo #colortattoos #colortattooartist #orangeblossom #coloredtattoo #coloredtattoos #ladytattooers #ladytattooer #orangefruit #tattoo #tattoos #tattooideas #weirdinksociety #stpaul #mntattooer #mntattoo #mntattooartist #tattooshop #tattoostyle #tattooart
Maybe it’s a moth, maybe it’s a butterfly. 
#mntattooartist #mntattoo #mntattooer #weirdinksociety #moth #mothtattoo #butterfly #butterflytattoo #blackandgreytattoos #blackandgreytattoo #ladytattooer #ladytattooartist #mnart #TattooArt #TattooDesigns #TattooFlash #TattooIdeas #tattooshop #tattooparlor #mothman #crytid #witchytattoo #OccultTattoo #witchvibes #witchaesthetic #darkartattoo #blackwork #lamp
Final part-This post just scratches the surface, and what transpired is truly so much deeper and much worse than what is being told openly right now.. I hope at the very least it helps me find a way to move forward, or offers an opportunity to someone else as encouragement to say something and feel validated.
Part 4-Eventually, I sat down with the boss, and told him exactly what had happened and why, and that I was sorry for needing to leave. I was only lightly scolded for not calling in, however my punishment came in the form of walking on metaphorical eggshells for fear of losing my job. I had been made well informed that I was not secure in this place.. Instead of any kind of friendly sympathy after experiencing a traumatic medical emergency, I was made to feel like an incurable fuck up. There was no safety for me in this space as I navigated one of the most terrifying moments of my life.The only thing I was concerned with was proving that I had a place there and that it wouldn’t affect my work ethic. When it came time for the court date concerning the events surrounding my stalker, I ended up skipping it and going to a villain arts convention, (which I also had to 50%/50% split with the shop in addition to paying for my share of booth space and my con expenses). I didn’t want my commitment  to the studio to come into question again. It never occurred to me that the response from both Mike and Jessica wasn’t what one would call healthy. I was desperate  to earn my place, learn from some of the best tattooers in the state, and feel like I belonged.I left two months ago, and I still feel like I’m mourning a death or grieving a considerable loss. I know that this is a burn out, and I often think about not tattooing. I thought I would be okay and I’d love this as passionately as I did before. My new location is everything that I wanted and worked for the whole time I was at Sacred Siren, and although I am insanely grateful, I’m still trying to figure out how to get back to that point and decipher why I don’t feel like myself anymore. I have been tattooing for 10 years now, yet I have a hard time considering my own value and the amount of work I have done in that decade. I was hesitant to make this, but I do believe that there is value in creating a dialogue about it. I do think that in the end, there were things that happened that crossed a line, and possibly in ways that are dark enough to require accountability.
Part 3-Having no experience in tattooing or piercing, any attempt at telling me how to my job by Mike was met with disdain. I had a hard time accepting Mike believing he knew anything beyond the business part, and found it disrespectful when he would criticize the performance of my peers.What made me feel effectively inadequate was Jessica Canvas. Mike telling me I was bad at tattooing was never going to sting as much as hearing it from Jessica. I am in no way calling into question Jessica Canvas as a tattooer, and I need to emphasize that she worked hard to get to a skill level, and I do not feel any need to disrespect her talent. There were times where I would hear Jessica openly talking about me to other artists and in front of clients like it was a high school cafeteria.I heard her refer to her coworkers and her apprentice with slurs. I saw her ostracize her employees for bringing up valid concerns, having experienced this subtle form of retaliation myself more than once. I saw her seemingly not care about the negative impact the studio had on its employees until it directly affected her closest friends. I have to be honest when I say that Jessica was complicit and should be held accountable. About a year or two after I started, my personal life, more or less, began to spiral into the fucking void. It began with a man who was stalking me who made his way into the studio followed shortly thereafter by an unfortunate accident that caused me to  almost pass out mid tattoo. After these two incidents, I was on high alert. Despite the fact that I came to work, ready to work, and excited to tattoo, I was met with disregard and callousness. I feared for my job.  So when what I thought was just a little bit of sickness turned out to be  a miscarriage, I already felt like I was on thin ice . That day I stopped tattooing, and had to BEG a coworker to help me take care of my client. It was an emergency and I had to leave work, but I made sure that things were cared for before I left.
Part 2-The whole concept of Sacred Siren was to have a space built by women, run by women, catering to a clientele that was looking for something less toxic, and a place to feel safe. People were reaching out and getting work done by us specifically to support a small business that was creating a comfortable space for them. I have to be blunt and call out the obvious, and boldly tell everyone that they were lied to.

The following contains facts that I believe the public has a right to know. Sacred Siren is at least partly, if not entirely owned by Michael Pedersen. Mike is neither a piercer nor a tattooer,  but in my time there, he appeared to make most of the business decisions. The Co-Ownership by the senior tattoo artist, Jessica Canvas, is tentative at best, and I still don’t know the factuality of it because it isn’t a matter of public record. From Jessica’s own statements, it does sound like she was “co owner” in title only, and received no profit from the position, and merely substantiated notoriety from the role. The point being that the “women owned and operated” bit  that many in the public believed was true couldn’t be farther from it. It was a mere facade used to make money. I feel pretty confident in the factuality that people were lied to, but I can not speak to who made what decisions about any business element. 

The hardest part for me personally to articulate is that as much as I wanted to blame Mike alone as the sole person responsible for all that we experienced when employed at the studiot, Jessica Canvas must equally shoulder the blame.  I have to admit openly, to my own discomfort, that offering her a free pass to walk away with no accountability is unfair and wrong. I would not have stuck around for as long as I did believing what I did if it was just Mike on his own. While she may express openly the decisions were Mike’s alone, she knew what was going on and that includes some of the more insulting parts of the events that happened. Her active denial to advocate and support her coworkers and employees was reprehensible, but it was her participation in creating an inhospitable work environment that made it insufferable.
Par 1 -I was not entirely truthful regarding the reasons why I left Sacred Siren two months ago. And now that there may be a possible closing of its doors, I think it is time for me to come clean about a small portion of my almost seven years spent working there. I wanted to share my experience sooner, but I could not find any justification in hurting my friends that were still employed by Sacred Siren.

It is important to note that the following  isn’t just my experience. So many of us feel as though we were used and manipulated to make a profit, including the clients we had set out to support. I very seriously think there are things that happened that someone should be held accountable for, but until someone starts the awkward conversation, this is only my opinion. I have honestly never taken to the internet asking for attention or openly exposing my feelings. Creating this post took a lot of planning and actual forethought. For the first time ever, I am attempting to ask for the help of people I don’t even know to share this information far and wide. Our clients need to know, and we all deserve the opportunity to have an open discussion. I do not want to feel guilty for not saying something knowing that this affected more than just the staff. No matter what the response is, our clients deserve to know. . I can quantify my experience as having been one that felt abusive, and I feel as though I endured years of ongoing manipulation. There were moments during my time at the shop that felt as if it became questionably predatory, and I have suspicions there may have been instances experienced by coworkers that went beyond ethical business practice.These things are tough to overlook when you’re considering the fact that they are the practices Sacred Siren was created to avoid. Many of us at the studio, women and nonbinary folk, were compensated exceptionally poorly. I made 50% of all of my earnings, giving the studio 50% of my income. With needing to purchase all of my own supplies, my take home was even lower. Don’t even get me started on the wages of our front of house and the way our piercers were compensated.
Although Liliana has been on my bucket list of things to tattoo before the end times, I still never shared it. A split faced, shattered stylized portrait of Liliana Vess revealing a small portion of the Heretical Healer. Liliana’s storyline in Magic The Gathering has always been one of my favorites. Because fuck healing the living when you can raise the dead and consort with demons. Not entirely evil, maybe more evil neutral, and definitely not good either. I am not a nerd, shut up. 
#magicthegathering #lilianamtg #lilianavess #lilianaoftheveil #wizardsofthecoast #professoronyx #hereticalhealer #necromancy #necromancer #bolasmtg #planeswalker #nerdart #mtgfanart #nerdtattoo #gamerink #gamertattoo #gamertattoos #zombie #cardgames #gamernerd #blackandgreytattoo #blackandgreytattoos #darkartattoo #gothictattoo #weirdinksociety #mnartist #mntattooer #mntattoo #mntattooartist
Cult of the Lamb - adorable and wholesome 
#cultofthelamb #cultofthelambfanart #videogames #videogaming #videogamer #videogameaddict #videogametattoo #videogametattoos #cute #cuteanimals #cutetattoos #cutetattoo #nerdart #nerdlife #nerdtattoo #nerdtattoos #gamerink #gamertattoo #gamertattoos #adorablydark #macabre #darkart #kawaii #lamb #cult #lambtattoo
Another flashback to the decorative night time butterfly
#mothtattoo #moth #decorative #decorativearts #tattooshop #tattoos #tattoo #tattooed #ink #inked #ladytattooer #artdeco #artdecodesign #dotwork #blackandgrey #blackandgreytattoo #blackandgreytattoos #weirdinksociety #mnartist #mnart #mntattooer #mntattooers #mntattooartist #mntattoo #floraltattoo #floralart #embroideryartwork #nighttime #stars #sparkle
Bluey’s Dad, Bandit, as a sticker and also dressed up pretty. Now that I know what Bluey is, I can’t stop seeing it everywhere, so I suppose now is the time to share.
#blueyfanart #blueyparty #blueyheeler #bluey #cartoon #animation #animatedseries #fanart #fanarttattoo #stickers #sticker #stickerart #stickertattoo #stickertattoos #coloredtattoo #coloredtattoos #colortattoo #colortattoos #mnartists #mntattooer #mntattooartist #mntattoo #weirdinksociety #cuteanimals #cutedog #cutetattoos #cutetattoo #cutetattooideas #childrensshow #kidcore
Flashback to past events I guess I never posted.
#tattoos #tattooshop #tattooed #witchaesthetic #witchtattoo #spooky #blackandgrey #blackandgreytattoo #blackandgreytattoos #witchy #witchyvibes #ladytattooer #ladyheadtattoo #astrology #astrologicalsigns #moonmagic #wizardstaff #colorpop #purpleaesthetic #weirdinksociety #mnartist #mnart #mntattooer #mntattooers #mntattooartist #moth #mothtattoo #neotraditional #stpaul #witchcraft
And here it is, another year of Halloween flash. These ones are extra special since it is the first time in seven years I am doing this at a new studio, and without the old ship to hold my hand. 

🦨 Scroll for pricing and other details

🦄 For booking, please call @ 612. 321. 8871 (in the event I do not answer please leave a text or voicemail, and I will call you back in order) 

#darkart #macabreart #halloweenvibes #halloweenart #spookyseason #halloweentattoo #ghost #ghosttattoo #spookytattoo #tattooflash #tattooflashsheet #pumpkintattoo #tattooartist #stpaul #mnartist #mntattooers #mntattooartist #gothictattoo #halloween #occulttattoo #tattooinspiration #moth #mothtattoo #vampire #cutetattoo #kawaii #kawaiitattoo #witchyvibes #ladytattooers  #weirdinksociety
Shy Guy’s Black Parade
#blackandgreytattoo #blackandgraytattoo #shyguy #supermario #supernintendo #nintendo #nintendofanart #blackparade #mychemicalromance #mychemicalromanceart #tattoo #tattooartist #tattooshop #tattooers #weirdinksociety #nerdart #gamerink #nerdlife #nerdtattoo #nerdtattoos #videogames #videogamefanart #mcr #emoscene #emobands #gamertattoo #gamerlife #videogametattoos #creepy #creepyartwork
I wish my face was shaped like this
#hazbinhotel #hazbinhotelfanart #helluvabossfanart #helluvaboss #stolashelluvaboss #stolas #coloredtattoo #colortattoo #colortattoos #tattoosofinstagram #flashtattoo #tattooshop #sacredsirenparlor #nerdart #nerdtattoo #spooky #spookyart #northeastminneapolis #mnartist #mntattooers #mntattooartist #fanart #mashup #adultanimation

#teacup #teacuptattoo #teatime #teatime☕️ #teatime🍵 #valentines #valentinespecial #valentinesdaygift #valentinesday #tattoo #tattooartist #tattoos #tattooshop #tattooparlor #tattoflashart #tattooflash #tattooflashsheet #sacredsirenparlor #minneapolis #minneapolistattoo #minneapolistattooartist #colortattoo #coloredtattoo #colortattoos #coloredtattoos #kawaii #kawaiiart #kawaiitattoo #cute #cutetattoo
#ghost #ghosts #ghoststories #ghosttattoo #kawaiighost #kawaii #kawaiiart #kawaiitattoo #kawaiitattoos #cute #cutetattoo #cutetattoos #cutetattoosforgirls #spookytattoo #spookytattoos #sacredsirenparlor #knifetattoos #tattooartist #ladytattooers #tattooshop #tattooflashart #tattooideas #tattoodesign #coloredtattoo #colortattoo #inkedgirls #inked #bodymodified #tattoos #mnartist
Flame King
#flameking #adventuretime #adventuretimefanart #adventuretimefan #flameprincess #coloredtattoo #coloredtattoos #colortattoo #ladytattooers #ladytattooer #princessbubblegum #finnthehuman #tattooshop #tattooartist #tattooart #tattoodesign #tattooflash #tattooflashart #sacredsirenparlor #minneapolis #minneapolistattooartist #mnartist #mnart #mntattooartist #mntattooers #cute #cutetattoo #cutetattoos #cutetattoosforgirls #cutetattooideas
Junimo and mushroom potion bottle. This is where they live now. 
#junimo #stardewvalley #stardewvalleyfanart #stardewvalleygame #stardewvalleyfarmer #mushrooms #mushrooms #mushrooms🍄 #potionbottle #potion #gamerlife #gamer #videogames #videogametattoo #videogameaddict #gamerlife #gamerink #gamergirls #gamerart #nerdtattoo #nerdtattoos #nerdart #sacredsirenparlor #colortattoo #coloredtattoo #tattooartist #tattoodesign #tattooartwork #cute #cutetattoo #kawaiiart #kawaii
Capybara Cubone mashup
#capybara #capybaras #bath #bathtime #bathtime🛁 #washbasin #pokemon #pokémon #pokemongo #pokedex #pokemonart #pokemontattoo #videogametattoo #gamerink #gamerart #cubone #pokemonfanart #floral #floraldesign #floraltattoo #coloredtattoo #colortattoo #ladytattooers #sacredsirenparlor #nerdtattoo #nerdtattoos #anime #animeart #animelover #kawaii
🫧Surprise. It is but once every two or three years that I take part in Valentine’s Day / Anti-Valentine’s Day flash drops. This year is particularly special, given the subject matter. Scroll, and I promise you will not be disappointed. 🫧

🍓For booking, and general questions, please call the shop @ 612.666.0543 and speak with our desk staff🍓

🧃Please do not DM with inquiries🧃

🔫As always, no throats, hands, faces, and any otherwise pain in my dick locations🔫

🔪Pricing is listed, and everything is clearly labeled with your choice of color or black and grey. Be prepared to leave a deposit (that does, in fact, go toward the price of your tattoo). 🔪
#valentines #valentinesday #valentinesdaygift #valentinesdayflash #90s #valentinetattoo #hearttattoo #cursed #valentinegift #tattooflash #tattooflashart #kidcore #flashtattoo #pixelart #flashtattooart #sacredsirenparlor #northeastminneapolis #minneapolis #cassette #nostalgia #ghosttattoo #candyheart #kawaii #ghosts #furby #furbyfandom #heartglasses #potionbottle #ssgeorgie #lovepotion
#pokemon #pokémon #pokemongo #pokemonart #pokemonfanart #pokemontattoo #pokemontattoos #gamerink #gamerart #nerdtattoo #nerdtattoos #nerdart #gamergirl #anime #animeart #kawaii #kawaiiart #magikarp #magikarptattoo #dessert #dessertstagram #colortattoo #coloredtattoos #sacredsirenparlor #ladytattooers #ladytattooer #minneapolis #minneapolistattoo #minneapolistattooartist #mnart
Lapras in a drink, a delicious and adorable Pokémon beverage. The photo is misleading in regard to the actual scale of this tattoo. Which is located on the outer front side of the bicep at about 3 to 4 inches. 
#pokemon #pokémon #pokemongo #pokedex #pokemonart #pokemoncards #pokemonfanart #pokemoncollection #lapras #gamerlife #gamerink #gamertattoo #gamertattoos #gamerart #pokemontattoo #animeart #animetattoo #kawaii #kawaiiart #cutetattoo #cutetattoos #sacredsirenparlor #kawaiifood #nerdlife #nerdart #nerdtattoo #nerdtattoos #videogametattoo #videogameart
From the flash book
#moth #mothtattoo #mothtattoos #floral #floraldesign #floraltattoo #mothart #blackandgrey #blackandgreytattoo #mothman #tattooshop #tattooartist #ladytattooers #ladytattooer #sacredsirenparlor #tattoo #tattooartwork #tattooflashart #tattooflash #tattooflashsheet #tattoodesign #tattooideas #foliage #girlswithink #minneapolistattooartist #mnartist #mnart #mntattooers #mntattooartist #mntattoo
#moth #mothtattoo #coloredtattoo #coloredtattoos #sacredsirenparlor #foliage #berries #moths #tattooshop #tattooartist #tattoo #tattooedgirl #ladytattooers #mnartist #mntattooers #minneapolistattooartist #a_e_s_t_h_e_t_i_c #tattooflashart #tattooflashsheet #flashtattoo #colortattoo #colortattoos #solidink #floraltattoo #floraltattoos #floraltattoodesign #mothart #ink #inkedgirls #tattooideas
#slothtattoo #frogtattoo #puffintattoo #hedgehogtattoo #teaparty #puffin #frogcore #hedgehog #slothlove #teacup #blackandgreytattoo #sammich #macaron #cakes #cakeart #cutetattoo #cutetattoos #teapot #teatattoo #kawaii #kawaiisloth #kawaiifrog #teatime #tattooartist #tattoo #sacredsirenparlor #ladytattooers #mntattooers #tattooshop #tattooart
Delicious egg
#colortattoo #coloredtattoo #pokemon #pokémon #pokemontattoo #nerdart #gamerink #tattooshop #tattooflash #tattooart #tattooist #ladytattooers #sacredsirenparlor #togepi #togepitattoo #anime #animeart #breakfasttime #kawaiifood #kawaiibreakfast #blueberries #minneapolistattooartist #mnartist #solidink #macabreart #eatme #pokemongo #iamsad #maplesyrup🍁 #tattoostudio
#squishmallows #squishmallow #squishmallowsquad #squishmallowsofinstagram  #tattoo #tattooshop #coloredtattoo #colortattoo #crescentmoon #owltattoo #sacredsirenparlor #ladytattooers #starbursts #tattooparlor #flashtattoo #tattooflashart #tattooflashsheet #cuteanimals #minneapolistattooartist #minneapolistattoo #ink #inkedgirls #kawaiiaesthetic #kawaii #solidink #fkirons #tattooist #cutetattoo #cutetattoos #cutetattooideas
Mothman but with shoes
#sacredsirenparlor #northeastminneapolis #tattooshop #tattoostudio #mntattooers #mntattooartist #mnartist #ladytattooers #femaletattooartist #tattoo #tattoos #tattoosofinstagram #mothtattoo #mothman #mothmanart #lantern #cryptid #cryptids #cryptidart #cutecryptids #blackandgreytattoo #coloredtattoo #spookyseason #spooky #halloween #halloweentattoo  #creepy #redshoes #kawaii #kawaiitattoo
Fancy Lochness goes to brunch
#lochnessmonster #lochness #nessy #brunchtime #brunchboys #cryptid #cryptidart #cryptidspotted #colortattoo #coloredtattoos #coloredtatoos #lilypad #fancyhats👒 #kawaii #kawaiiaesthetic #spookyseason #halloween #bubbles #bubble #ladytattooers #girlsthattattoo #tattooartist #tattooparlor #ladytattooer #mplstattoo #northeastminneapolis #cutecryptids #cutecryptidclub
Sentient pants
#crytid #cryptidart #cryptidaesthetic #fresnonightcrawler #fresnonightcrawlerart #cutecryptids #cutecryptid #blackandgreytattoo #sacredsirenparlor #colorpoptattoo #pinupmodel #pinupgirl #kawaii #kawaiiart #spookyseason #spookyart #halloween #tattooshop #tattooartist #ladytattooers #ladytattooer #girlswithtattoos #northeastminneapolis #tattooparlor
#mothman #moth #cryptid #cryptidart #tattooshop #tattooart #tattoos #blackandgreytattoo #blackandgreyink #lantern #colorpoptattoo #kawaiiaesthetic #cutetattoos #sacredsirenparlor #cryptidtattoo #lamp #spookyseason #halloween #tattooparlor #ladytattooers #girlsthattattoo #mntattooers #mntattooartist #mnartist #a_e_s_t_h_e_t_i_c #cutecryptids #mpls #mplstattoo #mplstattooartist #mplstattooshop
#squishmallows #squishmallowsofinstagram #oshawottpokemon #pokemon #pokémon #pokemonart #gamerink #stickerart #stickertattoo #stickertattoos #nerdart #nerd #gamergirl #gamerart #tattooshop #ladytattooer #sacredsirenparlor #minneapolis #minneapolistattooartist #mplstattooartist #anime #kawaii #kawaiiaesthetic #pokemontattoo #pokemontattoodesign #nintendoswitch #nintendo #worldofnerdart
Nerd pyramid.
#coloredtattoo #colortattoo #colortattooartist #tattooshop #tattoo #tattooflash #tattooed #ladytattooers #gamerink #gamertattoo #nerdtattoo #nerdtattoos #nerdink #nerdart #gamerart #legendofzelda #triforcetattoo #triforce #fireflower #mariomushroom #nintendo #supernintendo #supermarioworld #mushroom #mushroomtattoo #sacredsirenparlor #minneapolis #minneapolistattoo #tattooparlor
Squirtle Koopa 
#nintendo #pokémon #squirtle #koopa #supermariobros #supermario #supermarioworld #supermariobrosmovie #nintendolife #nintendoswitch #supernintendo #gamerink #gamerlife #gamergirl #gamernerd #nerdlife #nerdtattoo #nerdyink #tattoo #tattooshop #tattoos #sacredsirenparlor #minneapolistattoo #gamertattoos #anime #kawaii #blackandgreytattoo

#tattoo #tattoos #tattoosofinstagram #tattooartist #ladytattooers #girlsthattattoo #sacredsirenparlor #coloredtattoo #colortattoo #tattooer #tattoodesign #tattooshop #tattoostudio #mntattooers #mntattooartist #mnartist # mntattoo #sims #simstagram #gamerink #gamergirl #gamerart #sims3 #sims4 #cow #venusflytraptattoo #floraldesign #floraltattoo #floralart #nerdalert
#sacredsirenparlor #coloredtattoo #colortattoo #mntattooers #mntattooartist #mnartist #mntattoo #tattoo #tattoos #tattoosofinstagram #ladytattooers #girlsthattattoo #femaletattooartist #bodyart #tattoostudios #tattoodesign #tattooshop #tattooparlor #tattooartwork #tattooedgirls #tattooflash #ink #tattooflashsheet #pokemon #pokemontattoo #nerdart #gamerink #gamergirl #gamerart #jigglypuff
Worked on this half sleeve and marked put our shadows. Next up, we color. 
#ladytattooers #ladyfacetattoo #sacredsirenparlor #tattooartwork #tattooedgirls #tattoos #tattoosofinstagram #tattooartist #tattooer #tattooparlor #tattoo #mntattooartist #mnartist #mntattoo #halfsleevetattoo #mushroomtattoo #mushroom #ivy #flowertattoo #floraltattoo #portraittattoo #mushroom #floraltattoo #flowersonskin #halfsleevetattoo #tattooinspo  #blackandwhitetattoo #tattooed #plantmom #plantlady
Paying respects to one of the kings.

#tattoo #tattoos #tattoosofinstagram #tattooartist #ladytattooers #girlsthattattoo #sacredsirenparlor #blackandgreytattoo #tattooer #tattoolife #tattoodesign #tattooshop #tattoostudio #mntattooers #mntattooartist #mnartist # mntattoo #lordoftherings #lordoftheringstattoo #ringwraith #nazgul #saruman #jrrtolkien #nerdart #nerdlife #booknerd #nerdtattoo #nerdtattoos #gandalf #oneringtorulethemall

#tattoo #tattoos #tattoosofinstagram #tattooartist #ladytattooers #girlsthattattoo #sacredsirenparlor #coloredtattoo #colortattoo #tattooer #tattoolife #tattoodesign #tattooshop #tattoostudio #mntattooers #mntattooartist #mnartist # mntattoo #gamergirl #gamerlife #gamerink #gamertattoo #gamerart #silenthill #silenthilltattoo #silenthillartwork #playstation4 #silenthillteaser #baglunch #horrorgame

#tattoo #tattoos #tattoosofinstagram #tattooartist #ladytattooers #girlsthattattoo #sacredsirenparlor #coloredtattoo #colortattoo #tattooer #tattoolife #tattoodesign #tattooshop #tattoostudio #mntattooers #mntattooartist #mnartist # mntattoo #foodart #cheeseburger #cheeseburgers #frogtattoo #googleyeyesoneverything #googleyeyes #burgerporn #froggy #kneetattoo #hamburger #hamburglar #weirdcore

#tattoo #tattoos #tattoosofinstagram #tattooartist #ladytattooers #girlsthattattoo #sacredsirenparlor #coloredtattoo #colortattoo #tattooer #tattoolife #tattoodesign #tattooshop #tattoostudio #mntattooers #mntattooartist #mnartist # mntattoo #pixelart #pixelartist #eightbit #8bittattoo #8bitartist #gamerink #gamertattoo #gamerart #gamerartist #nerdalert #nerdart #legendofzelda
Black Dahlia memorial tattoo from the other day for her lost best friend. Without over sharing my client’s story, the events surrounding her friend’s death were unfortunate and disturbing enough to catch my last lingering bit of soul right in the feelies. 

Additional photos to the right sine it wraps a bit.
#tattoo #tattoos #tattoosofinstagram #tattooartist #ladytattooers #girlsthattattoo #sacredsirenparlor #coloredtattoo #colortattoo #tattooer #tattoolife #tattoodesign #tattooshop #tattoostudio #mntattooers #mntattooartist #mnartist # mntattoo #floraltattoo #floraldesign #blackdahlia #blackdahliatattoo #dahlia #memorialtattoo #flowertattoo #flower #ladytattooer #minneapolis #mplstattooartist #northeastminneapolisartsdistrict